Frank Grider

Apr 9, 2022

Boats In Water Ready for 2022 Fishing Charters

Twenty Four VII Charters fishing season is officially kicked off. Both boats, the Twenty Four VII and the Twenty Four VII 2 went into the beautiful water of Lake Michigan at Kenosha's Simmons Island Marina this week. Captain Frank has been hard at work all winter doing maintenance and prepping the boats for the 2022 Lake Michigan fishing charter season. Come check out the boats. You'll notice some big changes on the Twenty Four VII 2 which includes a big wide open cabin just like it's twin the Twenty Four VII. Also both boats have some cool new comfortable padding to sit on and lean against on the back decks. You'll just have to book a charter and come check it out. We are really looking forward to this fishing season as we have a new full time captain that will be working on the Twenty Four VII 2. He's got lots of experience and will take care of the groups that go aboard the Twenty Four VII 2. Book a charter and you'll see why we chose him. Coho season is here! Its such a great tasting fish, we have dates available so give us a call and we'll help you get your freezer packed with some delicious fish!